Harnessing the Perfect Storm with NSBA Federation of Trainers Conference – June 27, 2013

Personal Notes:»

At least part of the reason for me presence is to help you answer several important questions regarding your work with school board members. Here are the probable questions:

  • How will work in general be different in five or ten years because of the advent of various technologies?
  • How might the work of those we serve be different?
  • What are the implications of this for our work? (ie how will our work be different?)
  • What can/should we do to be prepared?

To help, I want to suggest to you three converging conditions, a perfect storm of trends that are forcing use to rethink education and even what it means to be educated. They are that we are, for the first time in history..

  • Preparing a new generation of learners
  • Within a new information environment
  • For a future that we can not cearly describe.
  • Each of these has profound implications in terms of what and how our children learn. The “what” and “how” of learning is directly impacted by decisions made by school board members.

    Online Handouts

    This is my seventh day in Texas, having spend the last many days at the International Society of Technology in Education annual conference. One more week, and I’m told I’d qualify for cowboy boots. What do you think?

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