Technology Leadership Institutes Tech Expo, New York

Personal Notes:»

You will learn a lot about technology and education during this event. There will be tools introduced to you that simply did not exist last year. It is the nature of our world – and of the teaching profession. But what is constant?

Its often stated, “That technology is only a tool.” ..and this is correct. The constant is the pedagogy – the learning experience. However, the teaching methods that I was taught in education school are as irrelevant today as chalk tablets were when I started teaching History.

I want to convince you that much of the experience of our “Digital Natives,” operates within a web of pedagogies. Video games are almost entirely about pedagogy. If we can understand some of the qualities of that experience. Then we may be able to hack our current practices to integrates some of those qualities – harnessing the learning skills that many of them have so highly refined.

Here are links to the online handouts:

The backchannel chat will be available here.

It is a magnificent treat and honor to be with you at the Edith Macy Conference Center. Much of the honor comes from the company Ill keep among the presenters, and especially my old friend Annette Lamb and a fairly new friend, Adam Bellow. The other speakers you will be seeing are among the “Rock Stars” of the edtech world, Wesley Fryer, Chris Lehmann, to mention only two. (More to come)

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