We are living through a convergence of three conditions that are causing us to rethink education in a way that we havent in decades. The short of it is that we are preparing a new generation of learners, within a new information environment, for a future that we can not clearly describe. Each of these new conditions has profound implications for education and even what it means to be educated.
Here are links to the online handouts for this presentation and a transcript for any backchannel conversation that occurred.
It is an honor to be with you today. We all have a tremendous responsibility in preparing our children for their future. Bob Wise, says that only 4 out of 10 of our high school 9th graders are going to graduate with the skills for that future. Its a humbling, especially as we are losing between 40% and 50% of our teachers by year five. This is a tremendously expensive loss.
I want to add another one here. I recently wrote a blog article where I claimed that our job is not merely to prepare our children for their future. It is to prepare them to “own” their future.
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