Notes for specific events

NSBA Annual Conference, Boston Mass.

So what is this all about. Why are we retooling our classroom, redefining teaching, and re-imagining classrooms. Its a complicated issue and continues to be a hard sell in many communities. But the fact of the matter is that there … read more

Strong Libraries, Tx TLA Conference, Houston, TX

This presentation is The Post Gutenberg Library, and it implies a new kind of library that reflect what I often call “the new shape of information.” You see, information is become increasingly (and almost exclusively) networked, digital and abundant (overwhelming.) … read more

NCTIES Conference, Raleigh, NC

It is wonderful to be here at such a fine conference in my own home town. There will be much more content here, but for now, the handouts links follow: We had a wonderful time, I thought, exploring some infographics … read more