Leadership in Technology – 11.13.13

Personal Notes:»

It is a privilege to be speaking at this conference and to be working with Felix. It's going to be a perfect match between young and old, stratospheric big picture and down to business nuts and bolts.

I will start out with a big pictures, an attempt to factor the complexities of education in the time of rapid change down to a three bullet list, a perfect storm of converging conditions that are forcing us to rethink education and even what it means to be educated.

We all need a factored down version. We have to make the pitch – to teachers, administrators, parents and prospective parents. It needs to be an elevator pitch, a new story about teaching, learning, classrooms and, again, what it means to be educated.

I’ll just give it to you right now, that we are,

  • Preparing a new generation of learning,
  • Within a new information landscape,
  • for a future that we can not clearly describe.

I’ll also be presenting some ideas about what that style of education looks like, and where we might go to get new ideas of pedagogy today. We’ll also have some fun with Infographics and data visualization, the coolest thing on the Net right now.

Here are links to online handouts:


the high point, so far, has been the dinner I had last night with Felix and the stimulating conversation we had. It is so interesting exchanging ideas about education and technology with a really smart person, who is just starting his career – relatively speaking. ;-)


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