2012 VSBA/VSA Annual Conference, Lake Morey, Vermont

Personal Notes:»

We are educating children in perhaps one of the most challenging times in recent decades, or perhaps even centuries.  I would add that I consider the past 35 years of my education career to have been the most exciting time to be an educator.  One can no longer say that you can get a teaching degree and then teach one year, 30 times.

I will talk about my efforts to factor down, the complexities that are forcing these changes, into a three-bullet list, and perfect storm of converging conditions that are undeniable and that have profound implications to teaching, learning and schooling.

Briefly, we are,

  • Preparing a new generation of learners
  • Within a new information environment
  • For a future we can not clearly describe

I will also share some ideas and techniques that professional educators are using to engaging in the daily, casual and self-directly professional developing that is so essential for this profession in this time.  We’ll look at how you can cultivate your personal learning network.


  • Our Students • Our Worlds (keynote) – handouts
  • Data Visualization – handouts
  • In-Time, Ongoing, Self-Directed Professional Development – Personal Learning Networks – handouts
  • Backchannel transcript is here

I am extremely happy to be here with you, and hoping, at this writing, that the leaves will still be on their trees, but in their brilliant fall colors.  Maples are especially bright in my part of the country. I was a bit disappointed in the colors in Maine a couple of weeks ago, but they said that fall was still on its way.

Perhaps I add a picture here of what I find.

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