ACTEM 25th Annual Conference – Augusta, Maine

Personal Notes:»

Perhaps more than any other state, the teachers of Maine have come close to understand how to pedagogically use contemporary information technologies for teaching and learning. But I suspect that there is still much to learn, and that much of that may well be embedded in how our children use information technologies that are native to their information experience. I want to try to describe four qualities of that native information/learning experience and suggest how they might be hacked for the classroom.

Its a pleasure and more than that, its an honor to be invited back to ACTEMs conference –– its 25th conference and 10th anniversary of your states game-changing 1:1 initiative. You know that the whole world is watching and too TOO few of us are following.

I would have to say that one of the many high points of this conference was the Geek of the Week. It was a sharing of apps, software, and hacks.

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